The property proposed for subdivision is the Remainder of Portion 1 of the Farm Elysium No. 15582, and is located directly adjacent to the Ifafa Beach N2 freeway interchange.


The SCTIE owns a piece of land that is located in the area of Ifafa Elysium, Umdoni Local Municipality, in KwaZulu Natal under Ward 7. The land is approximately 60.4 hectares in extent. The project is at concept stage, and the proposal is to develop the land to Industrial Park which will consist of an industry Zone 1-3, municipal and government zone as well as a passive open space. Additional associated proposed developments will be the package plant for sewer, 20MVA substation, bulk water pipeline as well as reservoirs. The property proposed for subdivision is the Remainder of Portion 1 of the Farm Elysium No. 15582, and is located directly adjacent to the Ifafa Beach N2 freeway interchange.


Current Zone of IFAFA

The property is currently zoned as Agriculture.


Proposed rezoning

Light industry 1 zone – A zone that permits manufacturing that is generally compatible with other manufacturing uses. Light and Service Industrial uses are permitted while General Industrial use requires Special Consent. Warehousing of a non-hazardous nature is permitted. Outdoor storage such as a Scrap-yard requires Special Consent and will be subject to screening

Light industry 2 zone – A zone that permits manufacturing that is generally compatible with other land uses permitted in adjacent, more sensitive land use zones such as residential, mixed use and open space. Light and Service Industrial uses are permitted while General Industrial use is prohibited. Warehousing of a non-hazardous nature is permitted. Outdoor storage such as a Scrap-yard requires Special Consent and will be subject to screening.

Light industry 3 zone – A zone that permits service industrial use, manufacturing that is generally compatible with other land uses permitted in adjacent, more sensitive land use zones such as residential, mixed use and open space is permitted by Special Consent. Warehousing of a non-hazardous nature is permitted. Outdoor storage such as a Scrap-yard is not permitted.


Current activity

There are EIA Consultants on the ground busy with EIA application process.


Preliminary Layout Plan

This site and its contents are under construction and further details will be published soon. For any enquiries, please email: nkululeko@sctie.co.za.