KZN South Coast boasts investor potential in the renewable energy sector

PRESS RELEASE For Immediate Attention 28 August 2023   KZN South Coast boasts investor potential in the renewable energy sector   The case for renewable energy to support a Clean Economy has been made abundantly clear over the past few years, and while still relatively unexplored on the KZN South Coast, there is extensive potential for investment in this green economy as demand continues to grow. Solar, wind, and hydro-power are all viable options on the sunny KZN South Coast, further supported by government’s latest tax incentives and the favourable price of green energy material. As part of its mandate to uncover investment potential in the Clean Economy, South Coast Tourism & Investment Enterprise (SCTIE) attended this year’s Africa Energy Indaba conference and exhibition in Cape Town in March. Attended by the South African Department of Mineral Resources and Energy (DMRE), the African Union Development Agency, and leading African energy industry associations, the event provides invaluable business growth opportunities for the continent’s energy sector. “The message is clear; renewable energy is not simply a viable alternative, it is fast becoming the alternative which means significant investment is set to be unlocked,” commented Phelisa Mangcu, CEO of SCTIE. “On the KZN South Coast, with our abundance of sunny days and coastal location, the region is primed for sector growth, it’s just a matter of taking advantage of the opportunities available.” According to Trade & Investment KwaZulu-Natal (TIKZN), renewable energy is currently the only electricity generation technology with decreasing prices. The investment promotion agency states: “…with solar PV module prices falling by 80% during the past five years, while wind turbines have become 30% less expensive. South Africa’s wind resources are regarded as amongst the top five in the world and could sustain 25% of our grid’s capacity.” The agency outlines that in KZN (inclusive of the KZN South Coast) the renewable energy sector opens up several investment opportunities. Among these are the installation and supply of solar water heaters and heat pumps to the many real estate developments, industrial and retail developments, as well as solar, wind and hydro energy solutions for business operations. The established agricultural sector also has the potential for biomass production to support bioenergy production – biogas and biofuels – through agricultural residue. Chris de Klerk, CEO of Renu Holdings (Pty) Ltd, a subsidiary of the Halfway Group of companies based on the KZN South Coast, said renewable energy projects have seen major growth in the industry as the demand for reliable, clean power grows. “The soaring fossil fuel prices are having long-term effects on business profitability and on the cost of living in private residences,” explained De Klerk. “Historically, the decision for renewable projects was primarily based on reducing operational expenditure, but with the ever-declining supply of constant power, projects are now largely based on ensuring energy security and independence.” He explained that Halfway Group’s footprint on the KZN South Coast has enabled the rollout of numerous projects for non-group companies and residential clients. “The KZN South Coast has, in the past, been an area of limited development and no real appetite for investment. This has changed with the boom in real estate due to its proximity to Durban offering a relaxed environment and beautiful scenery. With this change in economic growth, so has the requirement for self-sustainability.” Investors in renewable energy are further benefitting from the National Treasury announcements regarding two renewable energy tax incentives. Under the enhanced renewable energy tax incentive, business owners can claim a 125% tax deduction (in the first year) for qualifying capital expenditure in respect of all renewable energy projects, with no threshold on generation capacity. The rooftop solar tax incentive also gives tax rebates to the value of 25% of the cost of any new and unused solar PV panels, up to a maximum of R15 000. To learn more about these and other investment opportunities, contact SCTIE, the KZN South Coast’s One-Stop Shop for investment. Contact SCTIE on 039 682 7944, email or visit To become a Buy Local member or find out more, visit the Buy Local tag at or click here for a membership form. Keep updated on Facebook; South Coast Tourism and Investment Enterprise on YouTube; @infosouthcoast on Twitter or Instagram; and South Coast Tourism and Investment Enterprise on LinkedIn. Follow the hashtags #uncover #uncoverkznsouthcoast #uncoverpotential #kznsouthcoast! And click here to check out previous SCTIE press releases.   /ENDS   All images are complimentary for media use, provided the correct image credit is included and the images are published in conjunction with the content supplied. High resolution images are available upon request. (Image credit: Renu Holdings (Pty) Ltd) (Image credit: Renu Holdings (Pty) Ltd) (Image credit: Renu Holdings (Pty) Ltd)   About South Coast Tourism & Investment Enterprise (SCTIE) SCTIE was established as the official economic development arm of the KZN South Coast which extends from Scottburgh to Port Edward, and inland to Harding. It is a legal entity of the Ugu District Municipality with executive powers, serving the Ugu District and its family of municipalities. The entity is committed to identifying and unlocking the full tourism and investment potential of this region. SCTIE achieves its mandate of promoting investment through dedicated marketing initiatives, product development, business support and training, dedicated networking events, and breaking down barriers to local investment. From the coast to the hinterland, the KZN South Coast has a wealth of untapped investment potential for those who are looking to branch out into the district and uncover opportunities. The attractive location, subtropical climate, natural assets and accessibility make the KZN South Coast a prime investment destination. By engaging with local and international role players, SCTIE seeks to assist investors looking to uncover hidden gems across various economic sectors, including tourism, agriculture, manufacturing, real estate, logistics and transport, and the ocean economy, among others. For more information, visit   Issued on behalf of: South Coast Tourism and Investment Enterprise (SCTIE) Disseminated by: Olivia Jones Communications For more information please contact: Olivia Jones Communications Cell: 083 653 1720 Email:

Local business boost as KZN South Coast’s Buy Local campaign gains momentum

PRESS RELEASE For Immediate Attention 25 August 2023   Local business boost as KZN South Coast’s Buy Local campaign gains momentum  Support for local businesses is on the rise, with South Coast Tourism & Investment Enterprise (SCTIE) excited to welcome several new organisations to its extensive Buy Local membership. KZN South Coast businesses can join the Buy Local campaign free of charge until 30 June 2025, with SCTIE encouraging businesses to sign up early to enjoy the many benefits. “Many of our KZN South Coast businesses are already reaping the benefits of our Buy Local campaign which is prompting more members to join,” Phelisa Mangcu, CEO of South Coast Tourism & Investment Enterprise (SCTIE). “We are continuing to find new ways to uncover potential for businesses and investors by collaborating on initiatives and facilitating agreements with established businesses through Buy Local. With absolutely no cost to businesses until 2025, there’s really no reason not to take advantage of this opportunity.” Recently Thulikaceb Trading CC signed on as a Buy Local member. The waste management and recycling company based in Murchison on the KZN South Coast is a black woman-owned organisation that collects waste from local shops, schools, and government departments. This is then compacted and recycled, tackling the extensive litter problem in rural and urban areas while selling the compacted material to big companies based in Durban and Richards Bay. The company, which has an environmental compliance certificate, currently employs five people but has plans to expand with a new plant opening in Mkholombe. The team has identified a gap in the market – collecting water bottles and is currently searching for more areas to do so. The team also collects PET plastic water bottles, HL1 white paper, K4 cardboard, and plastic. Another new Buy Local member is Soft & Free Virgin Tissues, a co-operative owned and managed by physically challenged individuals in Gamalakhe Township. They manufacture soft, virgin tissue which is supplied to local shops and schools. The five permanent employees and 10 temporary employees currently produce 7 200 rolls of tissue a week, which they are looking to increase. The team is now looking to secure more storage space to increase production and meet demand, thereby employing more full-time staff. Also joining the Buy Local campaign is Sky Drop Atmospheric Water, an eco-friendly company that extracts water from the air using atmospheric water generators. This black, woman-owned business in Gamalakhe township produces approximately 750 litres of water per day for local shops, funeral parlours, local restaurants, car washes, special functions, and more. The services currently include water production, re-filling, and personalised water bottle branding. They aim to produce up to 5 000 litres a day through the acquisition of more land, machinery, and an alternative energy supply. Buy Local Membership Buy Local forms part of the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition’s (dtic) Buy Back SA initiative that encourages local business support. Companies that qualify for the Buy Local membership include those providing products and services of high quality, with at least 50% of the cost of production of products or services incurred within KZN South Coast. The business needs to currently create employment opportunities for people within the region, or intend to create such opportunities in future. Once signed up, Buy Local members enjoy extensive marketing exposure across all of SCTIE’s offline and digital marketing channels; business support and networking opportunities; as well as member credibility and valuable information sharing. Beyond the direct membership benefits, being part of the Buy Local campaign means enjoying a stronger local and national economy, while attracting more investment. This also leads to better community relationships as local value chains are strengthened. The Buy Local campaign continues to support the rural sector’s inclusion in the mainstream tourism economy by developing platforms and business connections for SMMEs such as those between crafters, farmers, and growers with retailers. To support the Buy Local campaign, find out more about members, or become a member, visit Buy Local on the website or click here for a membership form. To find out more about investment opportunities, get in touch with SCTIE, the KZN South Coast’s One-Stop Shop for investment. Contact SCTIE on 039 682 7944, email or visit Keep updated on Facebook; South Coast Tourism and Investment Enterprise on YouTube; @infosouthcoast on Twitter or Instagram; and South Coast Tourism and Investment Enterprise on LinkedIn. Follow the hashtags #unlimitedopportunities #investkznsouthcoast #investment #kznsouthcoast! And click here to check out previous SCTIE press releases. /ENDS   All images are complimentary for media use, provided the correct image credit is included and the images are published in conjunction with the content supplied. High resolution images are available upon request. (Images: Supplied by SCTIE) Buy Local members on the KZN South Coast enjoy extensive marketing exposure, business support and networking opportunities, as well as member credibility and information sharing.    The eco-friendly company, Sky Drop Atmospheric Water on the KZN South Coast is one of the newest members of the Buy Local campaign. Thulikaceb Trading CC, a waste management and recycling company based in Murchison on the KZN South Coast, has recently signed on as a Buy Local member. Thulikaceb Trading CC on the KZN South Coast collects and recycles plastic water bottles, white paper, cardboard, and plastic. As a new member of Buy Local, the company is looking to expand its collection sites for recyclable plastic water bottles.   About South Coast Tourism & Investment Enterprise (SCTIE) SCTIE was established as the official economic development arm of the KZN South Coast which extends from Scottburgh to Port Edward, and inland to Harding. It is a legal entity of the Ugu District Municipality with executive powers, serving the Ugu District and its family of municipalities. The entity is committed to identifying and unlocking the full tourism and investment potential of this region. SCTIE achieves its mandate of promoting investment through dedicated marketing initiatives, product development, business support and training, dedicated networking events, and breaking down barriers to local investment. From the coast to

Port Shepstone Intermodal Facility increases accessibility and retail opportunities for this business hub

PRESS RELEASE For Immediate Attention 22 August 2023   Port Shepstone Intermodal Facility increases accessibility and retail opportunities for this business hub Port Shepstone continues to drive business and investment on the KZN South Coast with the latest development – the Port Shepstone Intermodal Facility – further entrenching this coastal town’s status as a business hub. The estimated R550-million facility will increase accessibility to this key financial destination while opening up investment opportunities in the retail sector. “We are continuing to welcome upgrades to Port Shepstone’s infrastructure as the town emerges as an important area’s administrative, educational, distribution, commercial, and cultural centre,” explained Phelisa Mangcu, CEO of South Coast Tourism & Investment Enterprise (SCTIE). “The Port Shepstone Intermodal Facility will provide a formalised structure that better facilitates inbound and outbound transport while also extending the investment potential in terms of retail space.” Costing an estimated R550-million, the Port Shepstone Intermodal Facility will become the main service hub used by the entire district. Located in the heart of the coastal town on Nelson Mandela Drive, this three-storey development will include underground parking, with some R70-million has been set aside for public transport, while the remainder go towards the retail aspect. Currently, there is provision for just under 24 000m2 for retail space, public facilities, and informal traders. The land has been contributed by Ray Nkonyeni Local Municipality with the KZN Economic Development, Tourism and Environmental Affairs (EDTEA) and private developers funding the development. In addition to the significant investment potential, the Port Shepstone Intermodal Facility will ensure there’s a reliable transport system which creates opportunities for businesses, drives business growth, and improves transport safety and connectivity while integrating land and transport planning. The Port Shepstone Intermodal Facility is further supported by the recent announcement that Marine Drive (the P395) will get a R580-million upgrade, with 25km of road between Southbroom and Port Shepstone being rehabilitated during the 30-month project. This increases the accessibility to Port Shepstone which is located just an hour-and-a-half’s drive from Durban on the N2, connecting it to King Shaka International Airport and Durban Harbour. The town is 20 minutes from Margate Airport which has just undergone an R11-million upgrade, supporting local business investments. Port Shepstone’s location also creates access to the Eastern Seaboard Development, a broad and multifaceted vision to develop a new smart city and to bring innovative developments across KZN and the Eastern Cape. Port Shepstone is home to key business-driving services including the major banks, government departments, and South African Revenue Service (SARS) offices. It’s also the seat for both Ray Nkonyeni Local Municipality and Ugu District Municipality, with many businesses using the town as a base for their head offices. SCTIE has also partnered with Trade and Investment KwaZulu-Natal (TIKZN) to establish a One Stop Shop office in Port Shepstone to improve the efficiency of doing business and ensure investors have access to municipal incentives in the district. With golden beaches, an ocean-facing golf course, great restaurants, and the iconic Port Shepstone Lighthouse, the town is already a well-established tourism destination offering value for investors in this growth sector. Coupled with the top accommodation and facilities, the region is also a growing MICE (meetings, incentives, conferences and events) destination. Investment opportunities also exist in everything from coastal real estate to agriculture and manufacturing, with textile and furniture manufacturers located nearby. Investment potential can also be found in the Ocean Economy, from tourism to renewable energy production, sustainable fisheries, and maritime transport. “The Port Shepstone Intermodal Facility is really another catalyst in creating a dominant economic hub that supports domestic and international investment on the KZN South Coast,” continued Mangcu. “The investment opportunities abound, and continued infrastructural development will continue to unlock these for discerning investors.” To find out more about these and more investment opportunities, get in touch with SCTIE, the KZN South Coast’s One-Stop Shop for investment. Contact SCTIE on 039 682 7944, email or visit To become a Buy Local member or find out more, visit the Buy Local tag at or click here for a membership form. Keep updated on Facebook; South Coast Tourism and Investment Enterprise on YouTube; @infosouthcoast on Twitter or Instagram; and South Coast Tourism and Investment Enterprise on LinkedIn. Follow the hashtags #uncover #uncoverkznsouthcoast #uncoverpotential #kznsouthcoast! And click here to check out previous SCTIE press releases.   /ENDS All images are complimentary for media use, provided the correct image credit is included and the images are published in conjunction with the content supplied. High resolution images are available upon request. (Images: Supplied by SCTIE) Port Shepstone on the KZN South Coast is home to key business-driving services and investment opportunities, with infrastructure upgrades and the construction of the Port Shepstone Intermodal Facility uncovering even further investment potential. Construction of the R550-million Port Shepstone Intermodal Facility has commenced and is set to become the main service hub used by the entire district. Construction of the Port Shepstone Intermodal Facility, located in the heart of the coastal town on Nelson Mandela Drive, will ensure there’s a reliable transport system, creating more opportunities for businesses while improving transport safety and connectivity. Construction of the Port Shepstone Intermodal Facility, located in the heart of the coastal town on Nelson Mandela Drive, is set to further uncover potential investment opportunities within this economic hub and throughout the KZN South Coast.   About South Coast Tourism & Investment Enterprise (SCTIE) SCTIE was established as the official economic development arm of the KZN South Coast which extends from Scottburgh to Port Edward, and inland to Harding. It is a legal entity of the Ugu District Municipality with executive powers, serving the Ugu District and its family of municipalities. The entity is committed to identifying and unlocking the full tourism and investment potential of this region. SCTIE achieves its mandate of promoting investment through dedicated marketing initiatives, product development, business support and training, dedicated networking events, and breaking down barriers to local investment. From the coast to the hinterland, the KZN South Coast has a wealth of untapped investment potential for those who are looking to branch out

International investor confidence continues to grow on the KZN South Coast

PRESS RELEASE For Immediate Attention 18 August 2023 International investor confidence continues to grow on the KZN South Coast The South African property market remains an attractive investment for foreigners looking for quality yet affordable seaside locations. While the Western Cape has long dominated this market, the warm coastline of KwaZulu-Natal has emerged as an appealing destination, with the KZN South Coast now a dominant player in the property market. “There are a number of catalytic property developments on the KZN South Coast that are gaining national and international attention for their attractive coastal location, quality build, and affordability,” explained Phelisa Mangcu, CEO of South Coast Tourism & Investment Enterprise (SCTIE). “We will continue to uncover potential in the property sector and connect buyers, developers, local and national government departments to better facilitate these investment opportunities.” Two KZN South Coast developments attracting large-scale attention are the eco-estate Serenity Hills, as well as the 1 300-ha Renishaw Coastal Precinct. The Department of the Trade, Industry & Competition (dtic) assisted in the enrolment of the precinct into the Eastern Seaboard Initiative, after which both developments were honoured at the 5th South African Investment Conference (SAIC) in April where they pledged towards the President’s R1.2bn investment target for the South African Economic Reconstruction and Recovery Plan. This prompted a recent post-SAIC media tour, organised by TIKZN and attended by various dignitaries including the Office of the Presidency, who were afforded a first-hand experience of Renishaw Coastal Precinct and Serenity Hills. The R800m Serenity Hills eco-estate launched Phase 1 of the development in the second half of last year and has already sold 50% of its units, with buyers coming from Canada, the United Kingdom, Switzerland, and Germany. Renishaw Coastal Precinct, which has a total anticipated spend of around R15 billion upon completion, boasts the successful Renishaw Hills in Phase 1. This well-established mature lifestyle estate saw property values escalate by 50% in just five years. Both developments offer significant investment opportunities, with Renishaw Coastal Precinct unlocking potential in retail, healthcare, education, and more. The developments are also stimulating the local economy and unlocking further opportunities for investors outside of these developments. Beyond these, SCTIE has uncovered further potential in the Margate region with Injabulo Lifestyle Estate. This 32-ha development has an estimated investment value of R300m, largely from international investors. There will be 254 free-standing, full-title homes with private gardens and ocean views, with zoning for medical and educational facilities. Property prices start from R995 500 for a 2-bedroom unit and at R 1 192 500 for a 3-bedroom unit with the official launch in August. SCTIE will continue to showcase and support investments on the KZN South Coast, with a focus on property and other key growth in sectors including tourism, agribusiness, renewable energy, logistics and transport, manufacturing, maritime sector, and mining. To find out more about these and more investment opportunities, get in touch with SCTIE, the KZN South Coast’s One-Stop Shop for investment. Contact SCTIE on 039 682 7944, email or visit To become a Buy Local member or find out more, visit the Buy Local tag at or click here for a membership form. Keep updated on Facebook; South Coast Tourism and Investment Enterprise on YouTube; @infosouthcoast on Twitter or Instagram; and South Coast Tourism and Investment Enterprise on LinkedIn. Follow the hashtags #unlimitedopportunities #investkznsouthcoast #investment #kznsouthcoast! And click here to check out previous SCTIE press releases.   /ENDS   All images are complimentary for media use, provided the correct image credit is included and the images are published in conjunction with the content supplied. High resolution images are available upon request. (Images: Supplied by SCTIE) 1 300-ha Renishaw Coastal Precinct unlocking potential in retail, healthcare, education, and more. Renishaw Hills, a hugely popular mature lifestyle estate, is the first development within the precinct located in the first of five nodes. Renishaw Hills mature lifestyle village on the KZN South Coast. R800m Serenity Hills eco-estate, located in Margate on the KZN South Coast. Render images of Injabulo Lifestyle Estate located in the Margate region.   About South Coast Tourism & Investment Enterprise (SCTIE) SCTIE was established as the official economic development arm of the KZN South Coast which extends from Scottburgh to Port Edward, and inland to Harding. It is a legal entity of the Ugu District Municipality with executive powers, serving the Ugu District and its family of municipalities. The entity is committed to identifying and unlocking the full tourism and investment potential of this region. SCTIE achieves its mandate of promoting investment through dedicated marketing initiatives, product development, business support and training, dedicated networking events, and breaking down barriers to local investment. From the coast to the hinterland, the KZN South Coast has a wealth of untapped investment potential for those who are looking to branch out into the district and uncover opportunities. The attractive location, subtropical climate, natural assets and accessibility make the KZN South Coast a prime investment destination. By engaging with local and international role players, SCTIE seeks to assist investors looking to uncover hidden gems across various economic sectors, including tourism, agriculture, manufacturing, real estate, logistics and transport, and the ocean economy, among others. For more information, visit   Issued on behalf of: South Coast Tourism and Investment Enterprise (SCTIE) Disseminated by: Olivia Jones Communications For more information please contact: Olivia Jones Communications Cell: 083 653 1720 Email:

SCTIE consults with national department to uncover potential in KZN South Coast’s fishing sector

PRESS RELEASE For Immediate Attention 02 August 2023   SCTIE consults with national department to uncover potential in KZN South Coast’s fishing sector The local fishing sector, from small-scale fishing to commercial ventures, is beginning to reap the rewards of a successful Sardine Run in 2023 with netting taking place since the start of June. This annual ocean spectacle, which is also an important element for the tourism economy, is just one of the aspects contributing towards the region’s fishing sector, with more potential set to be uncovered. “With established operators like ADCAN Marine Suppliers and Tightline Fisheries, the KZN South Coast is becoming a key contributor to the commercial fishery sector, supplying the hospitality and retail industries with quality seafood, but we feel more opportunity exists in terms of the international export market,” commented Phelisa Mangcu, CEO of South Coast Tourism & Investment Enterprise (SCTIE). “With the Ocean Economy a key sector for investment, we have been consulting with the Department of Forest, Fisheries and Environment [DFFE] – which has a satellite office based in Port Edward – to pick up on trends in the fishing sector and uncover potential opportunities.” The KZN South Coast makes up 120km of the 3 000km South African coastline, extending from Scottburgh to Port Edward. These warm Indian Ocean waters are incredibly productive, with hake, tuna, snoek and the famous sardines commercially fished from these shores. According to ADCAN Marine Suppliers, they process around three tonnes of sardines a day during the winter months, for around six weeks, at their own processing unit. The waters are also home to another high-value species, the East Coast rock lobster, which is harvested here. Recreational fishing also remains a strong drawcard with visitors attracted to the KZN South Coast’s many fishing hotspots, as well as chartering boats for a day of deep-sea fishing. The region’s three Marine Protected Areas also attract an abundance of marine life including rays, skates, sharks, dolphins, and whales. This is recognised as a valuable resource for adventure and ecotourism with snorkelling, freediving, scuba diving, and shark cage diving all popular ocean activities. The region also supports a large small-scale fishing sector, with 7 (seven) registered small-scale co-operatives – 5 (five) based in Ray Nkonyeni Local Municipality and 2 (two) in Umzumbe Local Municipality. Compliance is overseen by DFFE, which indicated that these local fisheries export a large portion of the marine food harvested to other countries, something which has largely declined since the pandemic, with the international demand from Asia impacted. This decline in demand, as well as the notable decline in the quantity of fish harvested by local fishers, has prompted a proposal by the DFFE to conduct a pilot study to ascertain the possible contributing factors. Certainly, some of the challenges facing local suppliers attempting to export marine products include high tariffs, quality standards, and restrictions on the provision of permits. SCTIE and DFFE have also noted the deterioration of fishing fleets and processing infrastructure, a shortage of skilled personnel with business acumen; and an educational gap that is leading to non-compliance in fishing regulations and a rise in illegal fishing. “We are seeking to address these challenges at a provincial and national level so as to unlock the economic potential of the ocean economy even further,” continued Mangcu. “This is being realised through Operation Phakisa which is assisting maritime businesses to realise the full potential of our Ocean Economy, while at a local level, we’re achieving these goals through the launch of our Buy Local campaign which encourages the support of local fisheries and ocean-based businesses.” To become a Buy Local member or find out more, visit the Buy Local tag at or click here for a membership form. To find out more about these and more investment opportunities, get in touch with SCTIE, the KZN South Coast’s One-Stop Shop for investment. Contact SCTIE on 039 682 7944, email or visit Keep updated on Facebook; South Coast Tourism and Investment Enterprise on YouTube; @infosouthcoast on Twitter or Instagram; and South Coast Tourism and Investment Enterprise on LinkedIn. Follow the hashtags #unlimitedopportunities #investkznsouthcoast #investment #kznsouthcoast! And click here to check out previous SCTIE press releases.   /ENDS   All images are complimentary for media use, provided the correct image credit is included and the images are published in conjunction with the content supplied. High resolution images are available upon request. (Images: Supplied by SCTIE)     About South Coast Tourism & Investment Enterprise (SCTIE) SCTIE was established as the official economic development arm of the KZN South Coast which extends from Scottburgh to Port Edward, and inland to Harding. It is a legal entity of the Ugu District Municipality with executive powers, serving the Ugu District and its family of municipalities. The entity is committed to identifying and unlocking the full tourism and investment potential of this region. SCTIE achieves its mandate of promoting investment through dedicated marketing initiatives, product development, business support and training, dedicated networking events, and breaking down barriers to local investment. From the coast to the hinterland, the KZN South Coast has a wealth of untapped investment potential for those who are looking to branch out into the district and uncover opportunities. The attractive location, subtropical climate, natural assets and accessibility make the KZN South Coast a prime investment destination. By engaging with local and international role players, SCTIE seeks to assist investors looking to uncover hidden gems across various economic sectors, including tourism, agriculture, manufacturing, real estate, logistics and transport, and the ocean economy, among others. For more information, visit   Issued on behalf of: South Coast Tourism and Investment Enterprise (SCTIE) Disseminated by: Olivia Jones Communications For more information please contact: Olivia Jones Communications Cell: 083 653 1720 Email: