For Immediate Attention
31 January 2024
SCTIE in Partnership with TIKZN Hosts Investor Workshop on Ugu District One Stop Shop Services
Port Shepstone Civic Centre under Ray Nkonyeni Local Municipality was a hive of activity on Tuesday, 30 January 2024 as local SMEs attended the Investor Workshop on the new Ugu District One Stop Shop. Hosted by South Coast Tourism & Investment Enterprise (SCTIE) in partnership with Trade & Investment KwaZulu-Natal (TIKZN), the workshop showcased investment opportunities on the KZN South Coast.
Local business people were invited to learn about the services offered by various government departments – including those under the Department of Economic Development, Tourism and Environmental Affairs (EDTEA) – to assist them and contribute to the economy of the area. The workshop was attended by Ugu District investors and SMEs, among them Out of Woods, Pour Bake, Good to Glow, Flowers & Gifts, Sunny Rock BnB, Amandlenkosi Farms, and JayChem. This was an opportunity for them to showcase their investment potential while discovering how the One Stop Shop will assist in unlocking this.
Trade & Investment KwaZulu-Natal (TIKZN) Acting CEO, Sihle Ngcamu, opened the day’s events by outlining the purpose of the Ugu District One Stop Shop:
“Whether you’re selling in a mall, whether you’re manufacturing, providing services, or moving or transporting goods… all of these are contributing to the growth of our economy. But businesses are facing a number of challenges that decrease their profits. Some of those are policy-driven, and some of those are process-driven. So, how can we make doing business easier?
“Government is here to provide an environment that is conducive for businesses to be sustained and to thrive. One of those programmes is the One Stop Shop services so that businesses don’t have to move from door-to-door or office to office just to see one department. All [services] will be in one place. Today we are discussing how we can make doing business easier.”
Speaking on behalf of SCTIE, Deputy Chairperson of the Board, Nongcebo Vukile McKenzie, said: “We are deeply appreciative to all partners and all stakeholders – among them Trade & Investment KwaZulu-Natal and InvestSA – for making this OSS a reality. This is the fourth One Stop Shop being launched and we look forward to what will come from making doing business easier.”
McKenzie also commented on the region’s important tourism economy, with the highest number of Blue Flag beaches in the province, and the incredible rural experiences: “This is supported by other economic sectors, and we’re looking to grow these, including agribusiness, property development, logistics and transport, manufacturing, and the ocean economy. This is one of the steps to unlocking the potential.”
CEO of SCTIE, Phelisa Mangcu also noted the region’s diverse nature, outdoor, and adventure tourism experiences before commenting on the significant investment potential: “We proactively package investment opportunities, link business to government, market business offerings, and now we have the One Stop Shop. We develop rural tourism products, attracting visitors to the hinterland region to support small businesses as well. In doing that, we are diversifying the region’s products beyond the ocean offerings, while supporting emerging growth sectors.”
She also indicated the support provided by the Buy Local membership, forming part of the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition’s (the DTIC) Buy Back SA initiative that encourages local business support. Several businesses in attendance on the day were Buy Local members. They were joined by Ugu District and Local Municipal Mayors, representatives from the EDTEA, Ithala, the Food Safety Agency & Tourism Grading, as well as other stakeholders and government representatives.
In providing brokering services for catalytic projects or infrastructure projects, Ndumiso Mlambo, the General Manager of KZN Provincial One Stop Shop indicated that the One Stop Shop – which is based at SCTIE offices at 16 Bisset Street in Port Shepstone – co-ordinates input from various role-players including investors, developers, industry, civil stakeholders, and provincial and municipal officials. This is supported by the collaborative efforts of various government departments and organisations that work with the One Stop Shop to assist in addressing regulatory constraints.
To find out more about these and more investment opportunities, get in touch with SCTIE, the Ugu District’s One-Stop Shop for investment at 16 Bisset Street, Port Shepstone. Contact SCTIE on 039 682 7944, email or visit
Support our Buy Local businesses by visiting the online directory. To become a Buy Local member or find out more, visit the Buy Local tag at or click here for a membership form.
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(Image credit: Sheetal Cross/Titanium Media SA)
Ndumiso Mlambo (Trade & Investment KwaZulu-Natal (TIKZN) GM:KZN One Stop Shop), Pumla Jali (Department of Economic Development Tourism and Environmental Affairs (EDTEA), Deputy Director: Trade and Investment Promotions), Fikiswa Pupuma (EDTEA Acting Deputy Director General: Integrated Economic Development Services), Sinethemba Mbambo (EDTEA Ugu District Environmental Officer), Nongcebo Vukile McKenzie (South Coast Tourism and Investment Enterprise (SCTIE) Deputy Chairperson of the Board), Phelisa Mangcu (South Coast Tourism and Investment Enterprise (SCTIE) CEO), Sibusiso Shange (Ray Nkonyeni Municipality (RNM) Acting Mayor) Khetha Zulu (RNM Municipal Manager) and Sihle Ngcamu (TIKZN Acting CEO).
Nhlanhla Mpondi (EDTEA Regional Director of Operations), Dr. Khululiwe Biyela Godlwana (SCTIE Board Member)
and Thokozani Sabela (SCTIE Board Member).
Trade & Investment KwaZulu-Natal (TIKZN) Acting CEO, Sihle Ngcamu.
SCTIE Deputy Chairperson of the Board, Nongcebo Vukile McKenzie.
Trade & Investment KwaZulu-Natal (TIKZN) GM: KZN One Stop Shop, Ndumiso Mlambo.
Ithala Bank Senior Accounts Manager, Busi Gumede.
EDTEA Ugu District Environmental Officer, Sinethemba Mbambo.
CEO of SCTIE, Phelisa Mangcu.
Ndumiso Mlambo (TIKZN GM: KZN One Stop Shop), Busi Gumede (Ithala Bank Senior Accounts Manager),
Sinethemba Mbambo (EDTEA -Ugu District Environmental Officer), Nokukhanya Mbonambi (Tourism Grading of South Africa (TGCSA)
Provincial Quality Assurance Specialist) and Phelisa Mangcu (CEO of SCTIE).
Agreement Mosia (Food and Safety Agency APS Inspector).
Mama Joey Phillip, local crafter from Inqubele Holdings.
Sisanda Nogqunga, Zama Mbhele and Zama Nkomo from SCTIE.
Ndu Msani from Out of Wood Furniture Manufacturers.
Vanessa Gounden, Zama Nkomo, Zama Mbhele, Zonke Madwe and Linda Khowa from SCTIE.
Carrot House.
Good to Glow.
AS Flowers & Gifts.
About South Coast Tourism & Investment Enterprise (SCTIE)
SCTIE was established as the official economic development arm of the KZN South Coast which extends from Scottburgh to Port Edward, and inland to Harding. It is a legal entity of the Ugu District Municipality with executive powers, serving the Ugu District and its family of municipalities. The entity is committed to identifying and unlocking the full tourism and investment potential of this region. SCTIE achieves its mandate of promoting investment through dedicated marketing initiatives, product development, business support and training, dedicated networking events, and breaking down barriers to local investment. From the coast to the hinterland, the KZN South Coast has a wealth of untapped investment potential for those who are looking to branch out into the district and uncover opportunities. The attractive location, subtropical climate, natural assets and accessibility make the KZN South Coast a prime investment destination. By engaging with local and international role players, SCTIE seeks to assist investors looking to uncover hidden gems across various economic sectors, including tourism, agriculture, manufacturing, real estate, logistics and transport, and the ocean economy, among others. For more information, visit
Issued on behalf of:
South Coast Tourism and Investment Enterprise (SCTIE)
Disseminated by:
Olivia Jones Communications
For more information please contact:
Olivia Jones Communications
Cell: 083 653 1720