USCDA is proud to also announce the listing of projects from our area in the SA Presidential brochure. This particular brochure was to be circulated on the Investment Summit hosted by the SA President, Mr Cyril Ramaphosa at Sandon Convention Centre. For our area, this is a step towards the right direction. The listed projects are: Margate Airport renovation, TechnoHub and lastly Ithala Bio-Fuels. The listing of projects from our area was secured through stakeholder partnerships such as Trade & Investment KZN

The bold initiative taken by RNM in developing an Investment Protocol is commendable and USCDA is encouraging others to follow suit in particular Umdoni and Ugu. The aim is to avoid undesirable and unintended consequences of intra-municipal competition for investment but rather a geographic spread of investment to other areas.Reaching New Heights USCDA prides itself for contributing to youth development in the area. The Agency has travelled a mile with Mr Nkosi Phumbula, knocking on doors of several government entities for assistance as and when required.We would like to congratulate Mr Nkosi Phungula for who is one of our agro-processors from uMzumbe area for continuously putting Ugu on the map. Mr Phungula and his company was selected to exhibit at the well know exhibition in Johannesburg called South African International Exhibition (SAITEX). His passion and love for his craft is commended and the agency wishes him well in pushing the Nkosi da King Brand forward.

Coming back home in KZN, USCDA has managed to draw attention of provincial government entities that are critical in ensuring committing new investments into the area. This is more evident by the recent partnership with Trade & Investment KZN. As a result of these interactions and commitment TIKZN recently hosted a Business Retention and Expansion Session at Margate Hotel.A strategic partnership has been formed with Trade and Investment KZN for a survey that will come up with recommendations on key issues stifling growth and expansion of businesses in Ugu and the sample area has been chosen as Marburg. The closure of the Coca-Cola factory has been a worrying factor that prompted USCDA to engage TIKZN to sponsor the research. Recommendations from the findings will be tabled at the Ray Nkonyeni Council scheduled for September.